Navigating Career Plateaus – Hitting the Hills!

The Real Estate Woman Podcast

Career Plateaus

Feeling stuck in a career rut, with monotony and stagnation taking over? You’re not alone, as many professionals, particularly in the dynamic real estate industry, face this challenge. 

In the latest episode of The Real Estate Woman, expert coach Debbie Lariviere dives into the concept of career plateaus, sharing inspiring success stories and practical strategies to help you break through and reach new heights.

Recognize the Signs of a Plateau

Discover the true meaning of a plateau, not just as a period of little or no change, but as an opportunity for reflection, growth, and finding the right balance between sprinting and pacing in your career marathon. 

Embrace the accomplishments and the high ground you’ve achieved, and learn how to leverage your network, enhance your skill set, and tackle new challenges to ascend even further.

With Debbie’s guidance and insider insights from experienced professionals, you’ll gain the tools and confidence to turn your career plateau into a launchpad for success

What is a Career Plateau?

Hitting a point in your career where things don’t seem to grow or change much, even after you’ve been really active and making progress, might feel like a downer at first. 

It’s like being stuck, where moving up or reaching your goals feels hard to do. But it’s super important to look at these times in a good light.

Instead of thinking of these standstill moments as bad things, it’s helpful to see them as chances to cheer for how far you’ve come, think deeply about what you really want, and plan how to move forward. 

Embrace the Moment

These breaks give you a moment to appreciate your past wins, think about your dreams, and figure out new ways to grow. 

Seeing these slow times as chances, not roadblocks, can turn them into experiences that make you stronger, spark new ideas, and set you up for big leaps forward. By looking at these times differently, you can find new energy and direction in your career.

Celebrating and Assessing Your Achievements

Before you can determine the best course of action to break through a career plateau, it’s crucial to take a step back and assess your current situation. 

Acknowledge your accomplishments and the hard work that got you to where you are today. Whether you’re an agent consistently hitting 50 transactions or a brokerage profiting 10-20% each year, these are remarkable achievements that deserve recognition.

Once you’ve celebrated your success, it’s time to assess where you can add leverage and efficiencies to continue experiencing growth through scale. 

High-performing teams and individuals often use plateaus as launching pads to evaluate their systems, processes, and revenue streams, making adjustments as needed to improve productivity and efficiency.

Overcoming Career Plateaus: Real-Life Success Stories

Debbie Lariviere, who founded Monter Coaching, knows all about the tough spots you can hit in your career. She was doing great as a real estate agent but started to feel stuck, wondering if she should do something different.

Debbie realized she had what it takes to lead and help others grow in their careers. She decided to take a big step and started coaching and mentoring people in real estate.

By switching her focus, Debbie used her knowledge and skills to support others facing similar situations. Now, with Monter Coaching, she’s making a big difference, showing that hitting a rough patch can lead to new, exciting paths.

Property Management Firm Launches Sales Team

Another inspiring example of overcoming a career plateau is a large property management firm that Debbie worked with, consisting of 1800 doors, residential homes, commercial properties, and multifamily living communities. 

The company had reached a point where they wanted to be more selective with the properties they accepted for management, which would slow their growth. 

Instead of accepting this stagnation, they decided to launch a sales team, hiring Debbie to help build the necessary systems and processes for success.

Action Items: Ascending to Greater Heights

Now that you’re familiar with the concept of career plateaus and have seen some real-life examples of professionals overcoming them, it’s time to discuss some actionable strategies that you can implement to continue your growth and success.

1. Expand Your Network

Networking is crucial in the real estate industry and leadership realms. Building a strong professional network can provide valuable insights, open doors to new collaborations, and offer mentorship opportunities. 

Make an effort to attend industry events, engage in conversations with peers, and reconnect with past contacts who may now be in a position to help you reach the next level.

2. Enhance Your Skill Development and Learning

Staying current on the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in real estate and leadership is essential for continued growth and competitiveness. Invest time in acquiring new skills or enhancing existing ones through courses, workshops, or conferences. 

This proactive approach will not only make you a more valuable asset to your organization but will also open up new opportunities for advancement.

3. Embrace New Challenges

Explore roles and responsibilities within your current organization or consider seeking opportunities in other areas that align with your strengths and interests. 

Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone and taking on new challenges will not only help you develop professionally but will also keep you engaged and motivated in your career.

A Career Marathon, Not a Sprint

It’s important to remember that a career is a marathon, not a sprint. As driven individuals, we often set lofty goals and strive to achieve them as quickly as possible. 

However, this approach can lead to burnout and a sense of stagnation when we inevitably encounter a career plateau. Instead, focus on setting goals that align with your core values and long-term vision.

Contact  Monter Coaching Today

Are you ready to elevate your leadership capabilities? Are you prepared to face the challenges of your profession and reach new heights in your career? 

A strategic session can provide you with the tools and insights you need to elevate your leadership. 

The journey to shattering the glass ceiling begins today. Elevate your leadership. Transform your career. Make the glass ceiling your new floor.

Book your strategy session today and take the first step toward peak leadership.

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