Setting Boundaries in the Real Estate Field.

The Real Estate Woman Podcast

Reclaim Your Time: Setting Boundaries in Real Estate

With clients constantly demanding your attention at all hours, being a real estate agent feels like being a 24-hour convenience store. How do you set boundaries in the real estate field?

In this Real Estate Woman Podcast episode, we’re going to dive into the nitty-gritty of setting boundaries in real estate. 

We’ll explore practical strategies for reclaiming your time, maintaining your sanity, and still providing top-notch service to your clients. 

The Danger of the “Always Available” Trap

Many of us in the real estate world fall into the trap of being “always available,” believing it’s the key to exceptional client service. 

But here’s the truth: it’s a recipe for burnout, resentment, and an unhealthy work-life balance.

We all want to be there for our clients. We want to be the agent they can count on, day or night. But the reality is being “always available” is a myth. It’s simply not sustainable.

Is it Worth the Sacrifice?

When you promise clients 24/7 access, you set yourself up for a never-ending stream of calls, texts, and emails.

You sacrifice your personal time, your sleep, and your sanity. And let’s be honest, no one’s productivity is at its peak at 11 pm when they’re trying to decipher a frantic text about a leaky faucet.

  • Burnout: The constant pressure to be “on” can lead to exhaustion, decreased motivation, and even health problems.
  • Resentment: When your personal life takes a backseat to your client’s needs, it’s easy to start feeling resentful and unappreciated.
  • Unhealthy Work-Life Balance: Constantly juggling work and personal responsibilities can leave you feeling like you’re failing at both.
Reclaim Your Time_ Setting Boundaries in Real Estate

Debbie’s Lighthearted Approach to Setting Boundaries

So, how do we break free from this trap? It starts with setting clear expectations with clients from the very beginning. 

Personally, I like to use a bit of humor to ease into the conversation. When I’m meeting with new clients, I tell them, “If the house is on fire, call the fire department. If the transaction is on fire, I guarantee I’m working on it.”

I also explain that while I’m dedicated to providing exceptional service, I’m not available 24/7. I have a life outside of real estate, and I value my time with my family and friends.

This approach sets a realistic expectation and helps clients understand that while I’m committed to their success, I also have boundaries. It’s a win-win situation.

Actionable Tips for Communicating Your Boundaries

Here are our go-to tips to set clear and realistic boundaries with your clients. 

  • Develop a script: Prepare a clear and concise explanation of your availability and preferred communication methods.
  • Use humor: A little lightheartedness can go a long way in making the conversation comfortable and memorable.
  • Be confident: Project confidence in your abilities and your commitment to providing excellent service, even with boundaries in place.
  • Reassure clients: Let them know you’ll be responsive during business hours and available for emergencies but that you also need time to recharge and focus on other aspects of your life.
Reclaim Your Time_ Setting Boundaries in Real Estate Business

Practical Strategies for Upholding Your Boundaries

Setting boundaries is one thing, but upholding them in the real estate field is another challenge altogether. 

Use Technology Wisely

We live in a digital age, and technology can be both a blessing and a curse. But when used strategically, it can be a powerful tool for setting and maintaining boundaries.

Schedule Emails and Texts

Many email and texting platforms allow you to schedule messages to be sent at a specific time. Use this feature to avoid sending late-night responses that can trigger a back-and-forth conversation.

Automate Routine Tasks

Explore tools and software that can automate tasks like social media posting, email marketing, and lead nurturing. This frees up your time for more meaningful interactions with clients and prospects.

Set Up an After-Hours Voicemail

Lastly, let callers know your business hours and provide an alternative contact for emergencies.

Debbie Lariviere Women’s Leadership in real estate

Treat Your Time Like an Appointment

Your time is valuable, so treat it as such. Block off specific times in your calendar for personal commitments, self-care activities, and family time.

These are non-negotiable appointments, just like your client meetings and showings.

Let your clients know when you’re available and when you’re not. If you have a standing appointment every Tuesday morning for yoga, let them know upfront.

While it’s important to stick to your boundaries, be willing to make exceptions for true emergencies or urgent client needs.

Hire Help

As your business grows, consider delegating tasks that don’t require your direct expertise. This could include hiring an assistant to handle administrative tasks, a social media manager to maintain your online presence, or a showing agent to help with open houses and client appointments.

Remember, you don’t have to do it all yourself. Delegating tasks not only frees up your time but also allows you to focus on the high-value activities that only you can do.

Debbie Lariviere Reclaim Your Time_ Setting Boundaries in Real Estate

“Eat That Frog”

Have you ever heard of the book “Eat That Frog” by Brian Tracy? The concept is simple: tackle your most challenging or least enjoyable task first thing in the morning. This prevents procrastination and sets a productive tone for the rest of your day.

Identify the “frogs” in your business – those tasks you tend to put off or dread. Schedule them for the start of your day, and don’t allow yourself to get sidetracked until they’re done.

Proactive Communication to Set Real Estate Boundaries

One of the best ways to prevent late-night client calls and texts is to be proactive with your communication. Keep your clients informed about the progress of their transactions, answer their questions promptly during business hours, and set clear expectations for response times.

By staying one step ahead and keeping your clients in the loop, you’ll minimize the need for them to reach out after hours.

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The Benefits of Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries isn’t just about protecting your time; it’s about creating a more sustainable and fulfilling career in real estate.

  • Reduced Stress and Burnout: When you have clear boundaries in place, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed and overworked. This leads to reduced stress levels and a lower risk of burnout.
  • Improved Work-Life Balance: Setting boundaries allows you to create a healthy balance between your professional and personal life. You’ll have more time for family, friends, hobbies, and self-care.
  • Enhanced Client Relationships: When you’re well-rested, focused, and energized, you can provide better service to your clients. Setting boundaries actually helps you build stronger relationships by demonstrating that you value your time and theirs.

Take Your Time Back

Ready to take control of your time and achieve your real estate goals? Book a free strategy session with Monter Coaching today. We’ll help you develop a personalized plan for success so you can reclaim your time, set healthy boundaries, and soar to new heights in your career.

Remember, you’re not just a real estate agent; you’re a woman, a leader, and a force to be reckoned with. It’s time to unleash your full potential and create a business that supports your life, not the other way around.

The Real Estate Woman podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative.

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